Google Books has the searchable 2011 Edition (screenshot) and the 2012 Edition (screenshot) of award-winning journalist Andrew Fowler's 2011 book The Most Dangerous Man in the World: The Explosive True Story of Julian Assange and the Lies, Cover-Ups, and Conspiracies he Exposed published by Skyhorse Publishing, which is nowdays distributed by Simon & Schuster; or the 2012 edition published by Melbourne University Publishing, no less.

On the cover this quote: "A gripping thriller. By far the best account of Julian Assange's motives and the talent that make him so dangerous" from none other than Daniel Ellsberg, the 1970s famous Pentagon Papers Whistleblower exposing government dishonesty about its actions in the Vietnam War and more.

Andrew Fowler "is an award-winning investigative journalist and a contributing reporter for ABC's Foreign Correspondent and Four Corners programs. He has been chief of staff and acting foreign editor of The Australian newspaper and a reporter with SBS Dateline and Channel 7, as well as heading up the ABC's Investigative Unit..." [] .let's let Fowler tell it:

"It was about this time that the allegations against Assange moved into the surreal, where Swedish law protecting the rights of the individual gave no protection at all" but: "the freedom of the net also produced a trap for [Ardin]. Seemingly spurned by a fiance some time ago, Ardin had posted a strange list of how to get even" Then the next sentence very starkly put by Fowler: "[Ardin's list] bore a striking resemblance to what would happen to Assange"

As Fowler notes, both several of Ardin's tweets including ones "that Ardin had posted the night after she's has sex with Assange, expressing the thrill of meeting 'cool' people as well as her [Swedish language blog post] 'Seven Steps to Legal Revenge' mysteriously disappeared from the internet" about the same time. However people saved the text, and some took screenshots.

Here' are the key parts of Ardin's "How-to" on legal revenge, which by her own words she thought was fair game not just against someone who cheated on her, but someone who "Dumped" her too. Does this maybe sound kind of sort of exactly like someone who, upset to find out later that Assange "dared" to have sex not just with her (Ardin) but also chose to have consensual sex with Sofia Wilen [both names have been in public newspaper articles since at least 2010] would implement something, duping her friend to go "ask police for force Julian to take HIV test" but turn it into something else, explaining why (as we now know) Sofia broke down and cried and refused to sign the police statement and stopped cooperating when she found out they planned to press charges against Julian?

You'll notice Ardin's "revenge" plans include hurting the new girlfriend, as well as the ex boyfriend, by leading the former to (falsely) believe her boyfriend is still having a relationship with the spurned former girlfriend:

[...] Step 3 The principle of proportionality. Remember that revenge will not only match the deed in size but also in nature. A good revenge is linked to what has been done against you.

For example if you want revenge on someone who cheated or who dumped you, you should use a punishment with dating/sex/fidelity involved.

Step 4. Do a brainstorm of appropriate measures for the category of revenge you're after. To continue the example above, you can sabotage your victim's current relationship, such as getting his new partner to be unfaithful or ensure that he gets a madman after him. Use your imagination!

Step 5 Figure out how you can systematically take revenge. Send your victim a series of letters and photographs that make your victim's new partner believe that you are still together which is better than to tell just one big lie on one single occasion

Step 6 Rank your systematic revenge schemes from low to high in terms of likely success, required input from you, and degree of satisfaction when you succeed. The ideal, of course, is a revenge as strong as possible but this requires a lot of hard work and effort for it to turn out exactly as you want it to.

Step 7 Get to work. And remember what your goals are while you are operating, ensure that your victim will suffer the same way as he made you suffer.

Funny how mainstream media didn't mention any of this, or Sofia's refusing to sign the police statement, etc, etc. And this, my friends, is just the tip of the iceberg of ways in which the picture presented to the public of Julian Assange and his background has been massively distorted from actual reality and the facts and actual background.

Please save your own copies of the screenshots below in case anything happens to the Google Books copies of either 2011 edition or the 2012 edition of Fowler's book, since screenshots of the original (later deleted) blog post not easy to find (no success so far).


And about its strangely timed deletion:


Here's the clean URL for 2012 book:

Andrew Fowler, Andrew John Fowler
Melbourne University Publishing, 2012 - Editors - 306 pages The Most Dangerous Man in the World

And clean URL for 2011 edition: (this copy, as of mid-2019, is searchable by keywords on Google Books as this link)

[...] 5)

links directly to her **deleted** blog post but you can see the url; Google Translate page saying:

The requested URL /search? was not found on this server. That's all we know.

Now if today you remove the second "L" from "modell" and break up the first word into: "sjustegs-model-for-laglig-hamnd" and put it into Google Translate..then it translates the file name of that deleted blog post as:


That was the key part of the file name in Swedish of her deleted blog other words, "7 steps to legal revenge" against people including people guilty of nothing worse than "dumping you" so you ruin or try to ruin them and their future girlfriend's/partner's lives..

Very strangely, one of the links that Rixstep website above lists as "see also" external links, is "" and what's bizarre is that page auto-forwards o some Arizona website (strage since that main page doesn't auto-forward) but to a Nurtition page on AZcentral...something doesn't smell right with those broken links..